Recommended Books

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Happy Valley Engineering Recommended Books

Numbers 1 through 4 are in the order recommended.

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  1.  Mental Toughness Handbook. By Damon Zahariades. Excellent. You will be glad you bought it.
  2.  Maximum Achievement. By Brian Tracy. Some of the best money you will ever spend.
  3.  The Resilience Factor By Karen Reivich and Andrew Shatte. Learn how to quickly recover from adversity. Resilience is a key to happiness and success.
  4.  Don’t Shoot Yourself in the Foot. By Daniel Amen. One of the best books. Several Self-tests
  5.  Looking Out for Number One. by Robert Ringer. One of my favorite books
  6.  Soar With Your Strengths. By Donald O. Clifton & Paula Nelson. A great principle.
  7.  Learned Optimism. How To Change Your Mind And Your Life. By Martin Seligman.
  8.  Being Happy by Andrew Mathews. Easy to read, with cartoons, 132 pages.
  9.  Managing Thought How Your Thoughts Rule Your World. by Mary L Lore
  10.  Forgiveness How to Make Peace With Your Past & Get On With Your Life. By Sidney and Suzanne Simon
  11.  Happiness in Hard Times. by Andrew Mathews. Easy to read, with cartoons, 216 pages
  12.  Maximize Your Mental Power. by David Schwartz
  13.  Emotional Intelligence by Brandon Goleman
  14. 100 Simple Secrets of Successful People. by David Niven
  15.  101 Great Ways to Improve Your Life .by David Riklan
  16.  Goal Free Living. by Stephen Shapiro
  17.  Ultimate Secrets to Total Self Confidence by Robert Anthony